from 01.01.2013 until now
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Russian Federation
from 01.01.2005 until now
Kazan', Russian Federation
This article analyzes the relationship between Russia's economic growth and digital energy. The obtained scientific results include conclusions about the role of digital energy in the economic growth of the country, the results of the analysis of the relationship between digital energy and the economic growth of Russia; provisions on the need to take into account the positive and negative aspects of the impact of digital energy on the economic growth of Russia based on SWOT analysis. The results obtained have a certain scientific novelty, since in the studies studied on a related topic of the present study, such results were not obtained. In addition, the very use of SWOT analysis also refers to the innovations in the analysis of the tandem of the relationship “digital energy - economic growth”.
digital energy, economic growth, analysis, production, digital development, GDP, productivity, value added
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