Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work describes theoretical studies of mathematical, physical and simulation models for studying ground-throwing equipment, in particular, the interaction of the rotor of the thrower with the soil. Changes and innovations carried out by the world community are developing in many directions related to the protection of forests from uncontrolled forest fires. The spread of an uncontrolled forest ground fire over a combustible biofuel occurs by running raids along the litter and along the bases of tree trunks at different speeds, and the height of the flame without taking measures will reach the top of the tree. We have proposed a version of a forest fire ground gun that performs a technological process with the rise of a soil layer above the soil surface, and then a three-stage rotor-thrower ejects the soil in a given direction. The process of throwing soil in an amount sufficient to extinguish the forest ground edge of the fire is a complex system of interaction of the working body with the medium of bulk elements. The main problem, in our opinion, is associated with the insufficient volume supplied by the existing units. On the issue of formalized modeling of soil movement during the operation of the rotor of a forest fire ground gun. With the modern development of digital technologies, the decision-making process on how to modernize technical equipment is unthinkable without designing a workflow. For the constant development of the model, formal relations should contain parameters characterizing the influence of the equipment operating conditions. Thus, the continuous computational experiment will allow not only to estimate the parameters of the working process, but also to manage the optimization of the model itself to determine the most effective values of its parameters. At the first stage of modeling, it was decided that the main parameter of the modernization efficiency would be the value of the average range of the ground flight. Formula relations for the model were obtained within the framework of the physics of the flight of a material point at an angle to the horizon with a minimum influence of the external environment (negligible air viscosity). At the first stage of modeling using spreadsheets, the dependence p (t) was estimated using spreadsheets, which showed that the pressure in the system stabilizes in fractions of a second. So, using the model relations, it is possible to determine in the result of a computational experiment the value of the average range of the ground flight

working body, ground gun, strip laying machine, soil, simulation model
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