Russian Federation
Modification of wood by pressing makes it possible to obtain a durable material from low-quality wood species. The relationship between the structure of natural and pressed wood and deformability was investigated in the works of B.I. Ogarkov, P.P. Erinsh, V.A. Shamaev, G.K. Gavrilov. Meanwhile, at present wood is subjected to deformation in a plasticized state, the structure and properties of which are different from the structure of natural wood. In this work, an attempt to establish the relationship between the structure of natural and plasticized wood and its main, deformative indicators (stiffness, modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, etc.) has been made . As a result of the experiments, it was found that (according to the results of processing empirical diagrams "deformation - stress") a three-phase nature of deformation of natural birch wood and plasticized with TCL (thermocatalytic cracking liquid) oil was established with the calculation of stiffness indicators; the dependences of the Punch ratio at variable humidity and temperature during the pressing process for constant and variable loading rates were obtained. Hysteresis in wood under tension and compression for natural and plasticized wood has been studied
modified wood, impregnation, pressing, rheology, ZHTK oil (thermocatalytic cracking liquid)
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