Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the process of assessing the technical condition of reinforced concrete supports of existing technological overpasses. The characteristics of overpasses are given. Defects identified in the process of assessing the technical condition are shown. The paper describes the control of concrete strength by the non-destructive method of elastic rebound using the Digi Shmidt 2000 device and the determination of the concrete cover thickness and the location of reinforcement by the magnetic method using the Profometer-5S device. The layout of the working reinforcement in the reinforced concrete supports of the overpass section has been determined. The results of verification calculations of the structures of technological ramps are given, taking into account the revealed defects and damages, the strength of materials and the specified actual loads. Proposals are given for improving the performance of concrete of reinforced concrete supports of overpasses.

modeling, technological overpasses, reinforced concrete supports, inspection, control of concrete strength, defects.

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