Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article deals with the issues of modeling and management of life support systems of a residential building. The resulting model of the liquid level in the tank allows you to establish the relationship between the level and the flow rate of the liquid. The results of the selection and justification of the fluid level control structure are presented. An algorithm that implements the operation of a virtual object is given. The structure of the automatic control system (ACS) of the liquid level is technically implemented in an open type. The results confirming the achievability of the proposed structural changes are obtained. The results of experimental studies are presented. The choice and justification of the method of controlling the heating system and the liquid level in the tank are considered. Programs for managing subsystems of a residential building in Assembly language, C++, and ladder diagrams are presented. A model for controlling the liquid level in a Multisim environment is proposed.
program, life support, level, temperature, algorithm, model, ladder diagram, control unit
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