Russian Federation
BISAC SOC050000 Social Classes & Economic Disparity
Growth of the number of students, the increase in the teacher's workload, as well as the characteristics of the age structure of the teacher workforce indicate the seriousness of the problem of teacher shortage in the Moscow region. It is obvious that attracting and retention graduates of pedagogical universities in the regional education system is extremely important. This article presents the results of young teachers’ adaptation process research including the issues of interaction with colleagues, students and their parents, workload and salary, as well as the respondents ' assessment of university training in terms of the use knowledge and skills in work. The sample (n= 64) included teachers who worked at schools from a few months to four and a half years. Based on the survey results, conclusions about the possibilities of improving the mechanisms of adaptation of young teachers in the schools of the region were drawn.
young teachers, adaptation, education system, region, teachers’ shortage
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