Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper are considered the essence and design-technological features of products made from new types of porous mesh metals (PMM) based on combination of various permeable and impermeable metallic materials interconnected by hot rolling in the vacuum. To create new materials, a combination of different types of metal grids is used. Therefore, these materials have received the name - combined porous mesh metals (CPMM). The technological problem is to create reliable products with predictable strength, filtration and structural characteristics. The technology of manufacturing products from CPMM is complex and includes a large number of technological operations divided into operations for material manufacture and operations for manufacturing from this material a finished product of required application. Material production includes several operations for preparing the initial metal grids (washing, degreasing, marking-out, grid packaging), and complex technological operations for material manufacturing, consisting in joint the grids and embedded materials between themselves (vacuuming, heating to a predetermined temperature, grid package rolling in vacuum and in hot condition, etc.). Each of technological operations for material manufacturing should be carried out in rigid mode ranges, such as temperature mode, package drafting degree mode, etc. A slight deviation from the mode leads to rejected material or significant deviation from the specified parameters. A difficult problem is the interconnection of metallic grids of various types (distinguishing by thickness, wire diameter, etc.), as well as interconnection of solid metallic embedded elements necessary for products formation from the obtained material. As a result of numerous experiments, it has been able to achieve success and develop the technology for CPMM material manufacturing. The developed material and products made from it have been imbedded at the enterprises of those industries, where highly reliable and efficient constructions, made from permeable materials and having specified functional parameters, are required. A new phase separator filter (PSF) for the fuel tank (FT) of a space item has been created and implemented. Currently, sets including 20 typical sizes of PSF of various modifications are delivered. Using of capillary intakes (CIs) with PSF made from CPMM provides reduction of residual rests of fuel liquid components in fuel tanks. CIs with PSF are almost 2 times lighter than CIs, carried out according to traditional frame-grid design.

filter material, mesh filters, filter elements, capillary intake devices

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