Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article attempts to integrate existential, cultural, sociological and psychological approaches to the problem of trust based on the category "meaning". The phenomenon of trust is relevant because of the following fact: people are beings who are voluntarily at each other's disposal and, accordingly, are vulnerable to each other. A trust is an attitude in which this fundamental vulnerability is exchanged for humanity. That is why humanity is attributed to persons. At the same time, trust and mistrust are an integral aspect of the processes of meaning formation and embodiment. That processes are related to intersubjective meaning formations (intensional structures and contexts) of lifeworlds. Lifeworlds are spheres of human existence. First embodiment of the trust intensive structure is socio-cultural patterns and institutions. They are embodied in social meanings and people relations. The social sphere which trust embodies is the circulation of gifts (potlatch). Finally, relevant existential, socio-cultural and social meanings find embody in various subjective manifestations of trust. That occurs because people are participants in existential, socio-cultural and social relations mediated by their psychology. But a person can also obtain agency and enter the sphere of "absolute relations with the absolute" as in being, in which faith/trust becomes the very way of being.

trust, meaning, meaning-making, embodiment, potlatch, trust economy

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