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Abstract (English):
The current state and advantages of timber road transport in comparison with other types of transport used for hauling timber are presented. The factors influencing the rational choice of the rolling stock of timber trucks are given. The efficiency of using timber trucks with trailers for transportation of timber has been substantiated. Difficult conditions for the transportation of timber along timber roads, which affect the operability of the towing devices of timber trucks with trailers and the efficiency indicators of timber trucks in general, have been considered. A brief analysis of the work of foreign scientists in the field of increasing vehicle efficiency equipped with various towing devices is presented. A perspective scheme of a recuperative pneumo-hydraulic towing hitch has been proposed to eliminate the identified shortcomings of the considered designs of towing hitch devices. A mathematical model and a computer program based on it have been developed to assess the operability and efficiency of the proposed device, as well as to determine its optimal design parameters. On the basis of the performed computer experiments, it was revealed that the recuperative pneumo-hydraulic towing device allows recuperating the power of 4.7 kW at the maximum acceleration of the trailer relative to the timber truck 0.94 m/s2 when moving a timber truck with a trailer on a model timber road. It was found that the optimal diameter of the plunger cavity of the device, at which the recuperation system provides balanced effective damping, is 49 mm. It has been established that the maximum recuperative power is achieved at a speed of movement of a timber truck with a trailer equal to 32 km/h

timber truck, timber, trailer, recuperative pneumo-hydraulic towing hitch, efficiency, working fluid energy, pneumohydraulic accumulator
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