Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of afforestation of zonal humus-calcareous soils with close occurrence of chalk rocks has been considered. The research results of reclamation plantations on zonal humus-carbonate soils (Voronezh region, Ostrogozhsky district, Korotoyaksky district forestry) are presented. The main taxation indicators of silver birch (Betula pendula), English oak (Quercus robur), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), such as average height and diameter, bonitet, density, preservation, stock, increase in stock, have been found. The characteristics of the current state and productivity of protective plantations are given. The course of growth and the state of Scots pine plantations on humus-carbonate soils depends on the depth of the chalk rocks. Less demanding tree species for soil and soil conditions, such as Betula pendula, Pinus sylvestris, have higher growth rates than more demanding species. It is possible to grow Pinus sylvestris plantations on humus-carbonate soils with a thickness of 40-50 cm - I bonitet; 30-40 cm - II bonitet; 15-20 cm - II - III bonitet. The influence of slabby chalk depth on the coefficient of growth stress is at least 90% of the total amount of influencing factors. With an increase in the thickness of the humus-carbonate layer from 15 - 20 cm to 40 - 50 cm, the growth stress coefficient decreases 2.4-2.5 times. It is not recommended to create plantations with 1.0 × 0.5 m planting points (15-20 thousand units/ha). Such plantations have a very high growth stress coefficient and are biologically weakened

forest plantations, humus-carbonate soil, course of growth, bonitet, stock, safety, reforestation, chalk outcrops
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