Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2017 until now
Russian Federation
The article presents the results of studies of the aboveground phytomass of domestic apple (Malus domestica Borkh) at 14-year and 113-year biological age, which were carried out on the basis of Krutovsky Botanical Garden in the suburban area of Krasnoyarsk. The features of phytomass distribution by fractional composition have been established for the first time for apple trees grown in Siberia in prostrate shrub form. From 10 to 13 leaves with an average area of 26 cm2 and an absolutely dry weight of 0.34 g are formed on the annual shoots of prostrate shrub apple trees. During the formation of fruit trees in the form of "Krasnoyarsk prostrate shrub", three or four main skeletal branches are left. The average model branch of a 14-year-old tree has a length of 3.4 m and a diameter of 7.6 cm at the point of attachment to the trunk; its weight is 1.4 kg in an absolutely dry state. The aboveground phytomass of a tree is 9.7 kg (on average) in an absolutely dry state. At the same time, leaves account for 12% of the aboveground phytomass, stem - 16.6%, branches - 71.4%. With regular pruning of the crown to maintain the prostrate shrub form of cultivation in Krutovsky Botanical Garden, by the age of 14, the phytomass of the crown decreases by 30-33%. The average model branch in a 113-year-old apple tree, when grown in prostrate shrub form, has a length of 6.4 m and a diameter at the base of 26.7 cm. Its weight in an absolutely dry state is 51.9 kg. The phytomass of the aboveground part of a 113-year-old apple tree averages 164 kg in an absolutely dry state, being distributed by fractions: 1.8% (leaves), 3.4% (stem) and 94.8% (branches), respectively
aboveground phytomass, apple tree, biodiversity, variability, prostrate shrub form
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