Russian Federation
The article contains brief information from the life and scientific work of the founders of forest breeding, who worked in Voronezh. On the initiative of N.P. Kobranov in 1919, on the basis of Voronezh Agricultural Institute, a forestry department was opened, which was later transformed into the forestry faculty, and since 1930 Voronezh Forestry Institute (now VSUFT) was organized. The main scientific work of N.P. Kobranov is the country's first publication on forest selection - the monograph “Oak selection” (1925), which also outlined possible ways of selection development of forest woody plants in general. Further, his associates and colleagues were engaged in the introduction and selection of forest tree species in the pre-war period: O.G. Kapper ("Study of ecotypes of tree species", 1946; "Conifers", 1954, etc.) and S.A. Samofal (manuscript of his doctoral dissertation "Heredity and variability of forest species and their importance for forest growing", 1938, etc.). Then a huge contribution to the development of forest breeding in the country was made by M.M. Veresin ("Forest seed production", 1963; "Centennial experience of afforestation in the Savalsky forestry", 1963; "Forests of Voronezh", 1971; a new program for forest selection for universities, 1966, etc.). He is the author of grandiose experiments on the geographical planting of Scots pine on an area of about 40 hectares, including more than 350 origins. In addition, he created oak, nut, Karelian birch, seed plantations and collections of hybrids of different tree species. He developed a number of new highly productive poplar hybrids. The director of the Voronezh Forestry Institute V.I. Rubtsov, who himself laid large-scale experimental field facilities for Scots pine forest plantations. Vasily Ivanovich played an important role in the creation of Central Institute of Forest Genetics and Breeding in Voronezh. Among the well-known successors of forest selection work in the country is the director of All-Union Scientific Production Association "Soyuzlesselektsiya" A.I. Iroshnikov. Under him (together with Voronezh Forestry Institute and the Central Research Institute of Forest Genetics and Breeding), a department of forest selection was organized. All these scientists have shown an example of selfless service to the chosen cause
forest selection, foresters, forest education, field experiments, tree species, forestry seed collection and storage, provenance trial plantations, poplar hybrids
1. Veresin M.M. Selekcionnyy otbor bystrorastuschih form drevesnyh porod pri lesovyraschivanii // Nauch. Zap. Voronezhskogo lesohozyaystvennogo in-ta. T. IX. Voronezh: Voronezhskoe obl. knigoizd-vo, 1946. - S. 14-103.
2. Veresin M.M, 1963. Lesnoe semenovodstvo. M.: Golesbumizdat, 1963. - 158 s.
3. Veresin M.M. Lesa Voronezhskie. Proishozhdenie, oblik i buduschee nashih landshaftov. Voronezh: Central'no-Chernozemnoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1971 - 224 s.
4. Veresin M.M. Rasskazy o lesah i derev'yah. Voronezh: Central'no-Chernozemnoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1981. - 111 s.
5. Veresin M.M. Otechestvennye lesovody. Teksty lekciy. Voronezh: Voronezhskiy politehnicheskiy institut, Voronezhskiy ordena druzhby narodov lesotehnicheskiy institut, 1988. - 64 s.
6. Veresin M.M., Mamyrin M.A., Shemyakin I.Ya., Yakubyuk A.N. Stoletniy opyt lesorazvedeniya v Saval'skom lesnichestve. M.: Goslesbumizdat, 1963 - 162 s, il.
7. Veresin M.M., Carev A.P., Sivolapov A.I. Vysokocennye nasazhdeniya topoley i drevovidnoy ivy v Hoperskom zapovednike // Prirodnye resursy Voronezhskoy oblasti i ih ohrana. Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo universiteta, 1974. - S. 65-67.
8. Voronezhskaya gosudarstvennaya lesotehnicheskaya akademiya: populyarnoe izdanie / Voronezh. Gos. lesotehn. akad. - Voronezh, 2000. - 240 s.
9. Drapalyuk M.V., Caralunga A.V., Mihin V.I., Chernodubov A.I., Sivolapov A.I., Treschevskaya E.I., Zhurihin A.I., Mihina E.A., Isakov I.Yu., Galdina T.E., Malyshev V.V. 100 let kafedre lesnyh kul'tur, selekcii i lesomelioracii VGLTU / otvetstvennye redaktory A.I. Sivolapov i A.I. Chernodubov. Voronezh: FGBOU VO «VGLTU», 2019. - 91 s. - ISBN 978-5-7994-0888-6.
10. Ivanov R.V. Razmnozhenie i sozdanie kul'tur allotriploidnogo topolya E. s.-38 // Genetika, selekciya, semenovodstvo i razvedenie drevesnyh porod v lesostepi/ Materialy mezhregional'noy konferencii, posvyaschennoy 95-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Mihaila Mihaylovicha Veresina. 12 fevralya 2005 g. Voronezh: Istoki, 2005. - S. 39-42. - ISBN 5-88242-391-0.
11. Iroshnikov A.I. Listvennicy Rossii. Bioraznoobrazie i selekciya. Chast' I. Sostoyanie i perspektivy. M: VNIILM, 2004. - 182 s. - ISBN 5-94219-107-7.
12. Kapper O.G. Izuchenie ekotipov drevesnyh porod // Nauchnye zapiski Voronezhskogo lesohozyaystvennogo instituta. T. IX. Voronezh: Voronezhskoe oblastnoe knigoizdatel'stvo, 1946. - S. 56-64.
13. Kapper O.G. Hvoynye porody. M.: Goslesbumizdat, 1954. - 304 s.
14. Kobranov N.P. Selekciya duba. M.: «Novaya derevnya», 1925. - 37 s.
15. Kostrikin V.A., Efimov Yu.P. Itogi raboty NIILGiS za 30 let i perspektivy dal'neyshih issledovaniy // Lesnaya genetika i selekciya na rubezhe tysyacheletiy: Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii, 26-29 iyunya 2001 g., Voronezh. - Voronezh: NIILGiS, 2002. - S. 3-20.
16. Merzlenko M.D., Babich N.A. Vydayuschiesya deyateli lesovodstvennoy mysli: biograf. sprav. Arhangel'sk: Izd-vo FGAOU VPO «Severnyy (Arkticheskiy) federal'nyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova, 2011. - 298 s. - ISBN 978-5-261-00637-4.
17. Milyutin L.I. Anatoliy Il'ich Iroshnikov (01.02.1929 - 24. 11.2016) // Sibirskiy lesnoy zhurnal, 2017. № 2. (Setevoe izdanie).
18. Mihail Mihaylovich Veresin (k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya: 1910-1992 gg.). / Sbornik nauchno-populyarnyh statey o prof. Veresine Mihaile Mihayloviche / otvetstvennyy redaktor A.I. Sivolapov. Voronezh: GOU VPO «Voronezhskaya gosudarstvennaya lesotehnicheskaya akademiya», 2010. - 62 s.
19. Osnovnye polozheniya po lesnomu semenovodstvu v SSSR. - M: CBNTIleshoz, 1976. - 32 s.
20. Popov V.K., Suhov I.V. Stranicy istorii lesnyh kul'tur VGLTA. Voronezh: Voronezhskaya gos. lesotehn. akad., 2002. - 144 s.
21. Popov V.K., Carev A.P., Pamyat' ob uchitele (k 95-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya M.M. Veresina) // Genetika, selekciya, semenovodstvo i razvedenie drevesnyh porod v lesostepi/ Materialy mezhregional'noy konferencii, posvyaschennoy 95-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Mihaila Mihaylovicha Veresina. 12 fevralya 2005 g. Voronezh: Istoki, 2005. - S. 4-7. - ISBN 5-88242-391-0.
22. Rubcov V.I. Kul'tury sosny v lesostepi (ih rost i proizvoditel'nost'), izd.2-e. M.: izd-vo «Lesnaya promyshlennost'», 1969. - 286 s.
23. Rubcov V.I., Novosel'ceva A.I., Popov V.K., Rubcov V.V. Biologicheskaya produktivnost' sosny v lesostepnoy zone. M.: Izdatel'stvo «NAUKA», 1976 - 224 s.
24. Sivolapov A.I. Mihail Mihaylovich Veresin: uchenyy i uchitel' / plenarnyy doklad // Nauchnyy seminar, posvyaschennyy 110-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora Mihaila Mihaylovicha Veresina. Voronezh: VGLTU, 12 fevralya 2020 g. - 73 s.
25. Surkova L. «Lyubim Vas, gordimsya Vami…» // gazeta «Kommuna» , 1990. № 67-68 ot 17 marta 1990 g.
26. Surkova L.N. Sozdatel' cennostey zemnyh // Mgnoveniy vechnosti chreda (avtor L.N. Surkova). Voronezh: Biblioteka gazety «Kommuna», 2005, № 16. - S. 60-66.
27. Fedorov R.M. Lesnaya shkola (Rossiyskie goroda nauki). M.: «Sovetskaya Rossiya», 1987. - 240 s.
28. Carev A.P. Programmy lesnoy selekcii v Rossii i za rubezhom: monografiya. - M.: FGBOU VPO MGUL, 2013. -164 s. - ISBN 978-5-8135-0592-8.
29. Carev A.P., Iroshnikov A.I. Obschie polozheniya metodiki ispytaniya novyh sortov drevesnyh porod na otlichimost', odnorodnost' i stabil'nost' (proekt). Preprint. Voronezh, 1994. - 9 s. (CNII LG i S).
30. Carev A.P., Iroshnikov A.I. Metodika ocenki hozyaystvennoy poleznosti sortov i form duba chereshchatogo (proekt). - Preprint. - Voronezh, 1994. - 25 s. (CNII LG i S).
31. Carev A.P., Popov V.K. M.M. Veresin - uchitel' i uchenik // Za lesnye kadry / Gazeta Voronezhskogo lesotehnicheskogo instituta, 1992, № 16 (1035). - Str. 2.
32. Carev V.A. Rezul'taty ispytaniya topolya M.M. Veresina E.s.-38 // Genetika, selekciya, semenovodstvo i razvedenie drevesnyh porod v lesostepi/ Materialy mezhregional'noy konferencii, posvyaschennoy 95-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Mihaila Mihaylovicha Veresina. 12 fevralya 2005 g. Voronezh: Istoki, 2005. - S. 131-134. - ISBN 5-88242-391-0.