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Abstract (English):
The article provides brief information from the life and scientific work of the founders of the Faculty of Forestry Engineering and the Faculty of Woodprocessing Technology (currently the Faculty of Forestry Industry). 2020 marks the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Voronezh University of Forestry and Technologies. Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the existence of the university, it would be fair to recall the names of the scientists who stood at the origins of the forest engineering faculty and the faculty of woodprocessing technology. Many generations of scientists have been involved in the organization and development of faculties, who have made a significant contribution to the development of the forest complex of Russia. They are widely known not only in our country, but also abroad. These are: V.K. Kuryanov, V.I. Kharchevnikov, F.V. Posharnikov, V.P. Zhukov, A.A. Filonov, P.N. Khukhryansky, T.K. Kuryanova, N.I. Popova, L.I. Belchinskaya. This publication provides information from the life of the scientists who stood at the origins of the creation and development of the scientific authority of Voronezh Forestry School. A number of information about the life and work of these outstanding researchers was borrowed by the authors from the sources cited, and some data were supplemented by personal memories of people with whom the authors communicated

logging and woodprocessing industry, timber, forest transport, furniture, ecology, wood pressing, adsorbents, mechanical wood processing
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