Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The article describes a brief historical background of the opening of a new specialty at Voronezh Forestry Institute, related to cars and the automotive industry. The description of the departments included in the structure of the automotive faculty, as well as the year of its foundation at Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies is presented. The noteworthy outstanding scientists of the automotive faculty, who have made a significant contribution to its formation, have been considered. Among them, those that continue to work and are currently making a significant contribution to the development of both the educational process and the scientific potential of the automotive faculty, as well as those that have not been with us for many years, are highlighted. A brief description of the life path of each of them is given, including years of study at school, study at an institute, graduate school, as well as years of work at a university. In addition, a description of their labor activity in other organizations, significant dates in their lives associated with obtaining scientific degrees, academic titles, and taking the position of heads of departments are presented. The main areas of their research, important scientific achievements, the results of application of scientific research in the industry are described in more details
automotive faculty, outstanding scientists, formation, department, significant contribution, automotive industry, anniversary, university
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