Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The highly loaded components used in machine building, automotive and aviation must have no thermal damage during grinding, the so-called grinding burn. In less loaded components, the grinding burn shall not exceed a certain level agreed between the manufacturer and the customer. In industrial practice, etching, Barkhausen-Rausch methods and eddy current are used to detect burns. To reliably perform inspection according to any of the methods, it is necessary that the flaw detection experts have sufficient knowledge and skills. This is particularly relevant for the multi-stage chemical etching process. In 2015, at the request of Turkish partners, IMQ developed the course "Inspection of grinding burns using chemical etching" in accordance with ISO 14104 and AMS 2649. Since then, more than 70 participants from several European countries have successfully completed this two-day course. In cooperation with DGZfP Ausbildung und Training GmbH, IMQ has developed a new course for the training of flaw detectors in the burns inspection during grinding. In addition to the etching method, the course included the eddy current method and the Barkhausen method, as well as liquid penetrant testing and magnetic powder testing. The content of the course, practical exercises and elements of the final exam in theory and practice are presented.

grinding burns, etching, Barkhausen method, penetrant testing, magnetic powder testing, personnel training

1. Brinksmeier E. Randzonenanalyse geschliffener Werkstoffe VDI-Verlag VDI-Zeitschrift 124, 23-24;943-944 ,1982

2. ISO 14104:2017. Gears - Surface temper etch inspection after grinding, chemical method. - 17 p.

3. AMS 2649: Etch Inspection of High Strength Steel Parts Reaffirmed: 2011-08-10 SAE International.

4. MIL-STD-867C(USAF). Temper Etch Inspection. 25.November 2008.

5. SAE ARP 1923:2013. Qualification and Certification Of Etch Inspectors.

6. DIN EN ISO 9712 :2012-12 Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung - Qualifizierung und Zertifizierung von Personal der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung.

7. DIN 54161 :2004-11. Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung - Qualifizierung von Prüfwerkern der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung.

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