Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction (Department of History and Theory of Architecture)
from 01.01.2017 to 01.01.2020
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
VAC 05.02.2000 Машиностроение и машиноведение
VAC 05.17.00 Химическая технология
VAC 05.23.00 Строительство и архитектура
UDK 72 Архитектура
The article is a continuation of the research devoted to the development of the spatial -planning structure of Murmansk in the 1920s – 1950s. The stages of development of architecture and the logic of its historical development are determined on the basis of an analysis of the stages of development of the urban structure, the historically established urban planning situation and the archival documents of Murmansk. The article describes the specifics and defines the stylistic features of the Murmansk architecture of the identified periods on the example of characteristic buildings on separate segments of the main city highway – Lenin Prospekt. A brief architectural analysis of the buildings that are valuable elements of the spatial-planning structure of the historical center of Murmansk is carried out: spatial, stylistic dominants and accents, plastic accents. The objects under consideration form the planning units, the street rhythm and the building. To identify the specificity and value characteristics of Murmansk architecture, a brief comparison of the compositional techniques and stylistics of the buildings of Murmansk and Leningrad in the 1930s - 1950s is carried out. The contribution of Leningrad architects to the design of Murmansk and the formation of its spatial and planning structure and architectural appearance is noted. The article contains schematic diagrams of separate segments of the building, photographic materials, archival photographs and documents.
spatial planning structure, stages of development, dominant, accent, postconstructivism, retrospectivism
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23. Igolkin N.V. Value characteristics of the historical spatial planning structure of Murmansk (1920s - the end of 1950s) [Tsennostnyye kharakteristiki istoricheskoy prostranstvenno-planirovochnoy struktury g. Murmanska (1920-ye - konets 1950-kh gg.)]. Bulletin of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. 2020. No. 5. Pp. 100-112. (rus)
24. Igolkin N.V. Murmansk architecture of the pre-war decade [Arkhitektura Murmanska dovoyennogo desyatiletiya]. Proc. of the VI AllRussia sci.-pract. conf. “Modern problems of history and theory of architecture” [“Sovremennyeproblemy istorii i teorii arkhitektury”: materialy VI Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf.]. St. Petersburg: SPbGASU Publ, 2020. Pp. 64-68. (rus)
25. Igolkin N.V., Zavarikhin S. P. Specificity of the structure of the Murmansk city historical centre in the late 1950s [Spetsifika struktury istoricheskogo tsentra goroda Murmanska v kontse 1950-h gg.]. Bulletin of Civil Engineers. 2019. No. 2 (73). Pp. 5 - 12. (rus)
26. State archive of the Murmansk region, coll. R956, aids 1, fol. 7. 23 p. (rus)
27. Igolkin N.V. Murmansk kontsa pyatidesyatykh godov: struktura glavnoy magistrali goroda [Murmansk of the late 1950-s: the structure of the main highway of the city]. Proc. of the IV AllRussia sci.-pract. conf. “Modern problems of history and theory of architecture” [Trudy IV Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. “Sovremennye problemy istorii i teorii arkhitektury”]. St. Petersburg: SPbGASU Publ, 2018. Pp. 76-80. (rus)