Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Within the framework of this article, the mechanisms for constructing and researching the game model for choosing the investor's optimal investment strategy in various information conditions are disclosed: building many players, building many players' strategies, the option of formalizing the payment function in the form of a game matrix, many optimality criteria, methods of justifying the choice of the strategy optimality criterion. Against the background of the application of classical criteria (Savage criterion, Wald criterion, Hodge-Lehman criterion, Hermeyer criterion), special attention is paid to the analysis of the possibilities of using the integrated Wald-Savage criterion for the study of game models, which allows to smooth the shortcomings of classical criteria and take into account the investor's appetite for risk. Attention is focused on the need to justify the choice of the criterion for the optimality of investment strategies, as well as the need of the researcher to clarify the states of nature and the probabilities of their implementations. The mechanisms for constructing and researching game models presented in this article can be used to improve methodological systems for teaching applied mathematical disciplines at an economic university, to build new variable educational disciplines on modern issues of decision theory, as well as within the framework of the system of advanced training in economics.
game model, game theory, modeling, optimization, game with nature, criterion of optimality
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