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Abstract (English):
A great part of the hotel business being in increasing competitive intensity conditions has to pay more attention to the key clients preferences determination, it provides the their consumption individualization. One of the client loyalty programs methods is the assortment strategy. The hotel business assortment strategy makes the corresponded with its mission potential services market research and formation rules and methods. This strategy identifies the best household managing strategy zones research methods, provides the external flexibility. The modern household zones can be regarded as a rules and standards assortment source. It should rule the hotel in services assortment optimization in order to satisfy the most uncertain clients. One of the assortment strategy tasks is the perspective development objectives correlation with the market potential and the hotel business. In the science article is presented an assortment strategy using as a market complex elements optimization mechanism. The market demands dynamic and connected with it services assortment changers required to fulfill the potential profit size corresponding degree analyses function, what rests in the hotel business budget after the all legal taxies paying and financial resource needs for hospitality and tourism industry complex development. The inquiry result, presented in this article, is the methodological and practical profitability hotel business basing.

hotel management, assortment strategy of accommodation, individualization needs, individual point of view.

Ассортиментная стратегия определяет методы поиска наиболее предпочтительных для гостиницы стратегических зон хозяйствования, методы управления наборами стратегических зон хозяйствования, обеспечивающие внешнюю гибкость предприятия. В условиях, когда у клиента появляется возможность «голосовать рублем» за гостиничный продукт, задачи ассортиментной стратегии усложняются. 


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