The purpose of this work was to study the peculiarities of medical and social indicators in women of the Roma population living in the Tula region of Russia. 101 women of the Roma community and 200 women of other nationalities in age from 13 to 40 years who have given birth in the period from 2011 to 2013 in maternity hospitals Tula, were included in this study using the method of retrospective analysis. The authors analyzed the history of childbirth, dispensary cards, the authors took into account the age of women, social data, marital status, habits, parity, anthropometric data of the mother and newborn. Data were processed using statistical methods. Results of this study. The following indicators are identified in women of the Roma community: absence of education (65,3%), permanent place of work (100%), a high percentage of unregistered marriages (82,2%) and smokers (50,5 per cent). The authors note that early sexual activity (16,5 years) and a complete denial of contraception (98%) are typical for women Gypsies. Anthropometric difference in women Gypsy is a narrow pelvis (67,3%). Low birth weight (<2500 g), which was observed in 15,8% of cases, is higher than the control group in more than 6 times. Conclusion. Women Gypsies living in Russia, have the characteristic medico-social indicators, which are similar to those in other countries. However, there are features, the main of which is more affordable health care in the health sector, in comparison with European countries. Women of the Roma population in the Tula region are registered in female consultation timely and pass disciplined a whole range of tests during pregnancy.
Roma population, pregnancy, delivery, education, smoking
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