The article is devoted to the substantiation of the development of intra-cooperative relations not regulated by legislation as one of the means of increasing the viability of agricultural consumer cooperatives in the context of modern Russian realities. Considered relationships are manifested in the practice of cooperatives in the form of following certain rules, attitudes, behavioral patterns, agreements, etc. It has been established that the underdevelopment of these relations, coupled with gaps in the cooperative legislation, is one of the reasons for the unsatisfactory rates of development of this type of cooperation in the country. Relations in the areas of management and receiving cooperative services are highlighted as the most important. Based on the study of the practice of cooperative organizations in the developed countries of the European Union and the experience of successful domestic cooperatives, the need to develop internal regulations in each cooperative containing a detailed specification of the mechanisms for implementing internal relations is substantiated. Examples of the formation of effective elements of intra-cooperative relations are given. It is concluded that the development of intra-cooperative relations corresponding to the values and principles of cooperation contributes to the filling of existing institutional voids and is a real factor in the successful development of agricultural consumer cooperation.
agricultural consumer cooperatives, intra-cooperative relations not regulated by legislation, utility criteria, opportunities and directions of development
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