Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
UDK 72 Архитектура
GRNTI 03.29 История отдельных процессов, сторон и явлений человеческой деятельности
OKSO 07.06.01 Архитектура
BBK 8511 Архитектура
TBK 852 Архитектура
BISAC ARC005080 History / Contemporary (1945-)
Rostov Puppet Theater is an interesting example of the early stage of Soviet modernism in the region. It has an unusual building history and originality. The building with laconic and simplified forms outwardly corresponds to the image of the mass development of the 1960–1970s. Special features distinguish the building from among similar buildings. These are scale and harmony with the environment, compliance with the residential complex House of State Security Officers, and mosaic panels. On the basis of field studies of the Puppet Theater, the study of archival materials and design drawings, the authors managed to clarify the facts of the history of construction, identify the features of the stylistics of modernism, features of the spatial and planning structure and the architectural and artistic image of the building. The method of comparative analysis is used, comparing the materials of full-scale and historical-archival studies of the Puppet Theater with the project documentation and preserved images of the Annunciation Church, on the site of which it was built. The internal volume of the theater includes the remains of the structures of the destroyed church. The building became a clear illustration of the collision of “old” and “new” in the architecture of Soviet modernism, a reflection of the processes of changing aesthetic ideas of the time.
Soviet modernism, Puppet Theater in Rostov-on-Don, architecture of Rostov-on-Don, monumental art, mosaic, Annunciation Greek Church
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