Russian Federation
Classical concepts LEBEN (LIFE), TOD (DEATH), LIEBE (LOVE), NATUR (NATURE) as well as representations from other fields: religion (АPOKALYPSE, ARMAGEDDON), domestic life (ALLTAG (EVERYDAY LIFE), FAMILIENKRISE (FAMILY CRISIS), economics and politics (FINANZKRISE (FINANCIAL CRISIS), sport (FUßBALL (FOOTBALL), SPORT, DOPING (PERFORMANCE-ENHANCING DRUG), philosophy (ABSURDITÄT DES MENSCHLICHEN LEBENS (ABSURDITY OF HUMAN EXISTENCE) are explicated within the context of the German poetry discourse of the XXI century. However in 2020 due to the spread of coronavirus infection, which had an impact on world society, it becomes relevant to consider the methods of the CORONAVIRUS concept implementation in the context of German poetry Internet discourse of the XXI century. Special attention focuses on three main groups of poetic texts: a poem- appeal; a poem-advice; a poem that creates a positive attitude; a poem that creates a sense of anxiety, which raise this problem. In the texts under study, the main set of linguostylistic means has been identified that serve as ways of manifestation of the CORONAVIRUS concept: epithets, chains of negative-evaluative lexical items, metaphors, rhetorical questions. However, the prevailing means are imperative constructions that have an influential character.
German modern poetry, Internet discourse, concept, CORONAVIRUS, imperative constructions
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