Russian Federation
M. Gorky Scientific Library
The communication basis upon which cultural institutions are based and through which have developed has undergone significant changes in the last few months. Social distance, isolation, decrease in communication contacts involve producers and consumers of cultural products in new forms of interaction. he changed format, the ban on visiting and organizing mass events, which cultural institutions are forced to take, is intensifying the search for new platforms and communication methods that can not only compensate for isolation from the cultural context, but also provide support to both visitors and and employees. The transformation of the image of the communication world, communication channels, the communicant itself, the communicative community corrects and complicates the functioning of cultural institutions, regardless of their specificity. The article analyzes the specifics of current communications in the field of culture in the situation of a new anthropotechnical reality, and also illustrates the role of communication technologies in the conditions of transforming reality using the example of Russian museums. The reorganization of the museum sector, the use of digital resources, the imaging component are key factors for shaping the modern look of the museum. Revealing the mutual influence of communication technologies and cultural heritage will allow us to carry out not only theoretical understanding, but also the practical development of projects, ideas, and searches.
communication technologies, culture, museum, publicity, advertising, image, corporation, event
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