Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The actual problem of lactostasis in breast feeding is considered in this paper.The main causes of lactostasisare: excessive milk production at insufficient milk secretion from the lobules of the mammary glands; irregular and inadequate emptying of the breast, not correct attachment of the baby to the breast, i.e. not all lobules are equal "physiological” position. The authors considered predisposing factors of lactose in the first days after birth and active breastfeeding, as well as the development of tactics pathogenetic therapy. The work is based on the study of data examination and treatment of 39 patients with lactose, divided into 2 groups. In the first group the treatment consisted of local use of 1% progestogel; in the 2nd group - bromocriptine in tablets. The study showed that lactosis is especially typical for primapara women and for the first (1-2) months after delivery. The lactosis in the first days after delivery are more associated with impaired excretion of milk due to the low content of oxytocin and smooth muscle paresis ducts, this is confirmed by the effect of transdermal gel 1% progestogel. At other times one of the causes of lactosis is increased production or sufficient production of milk when it is insufficient excretion through milk ducts. The effect of bromocriptine in such cases is due to a reduc-tion of milk production in accordance with the ability of the system excretion of milk.

lactostasis, pathogenesis, ductal system, breastfeeding.

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