Stavropol', Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article shows the experience of using online services in the organization of a training network project in biology on a specific example. Online services act as an accessible tool for creating e-learning materials, which are embedded in an interactive project guide for the purpose of organizing project research activities of students.
educational network projects (ENP), online services, e-learning resources, e-learning materials, interactive project guide, hormones
1. Gerasimova E.K., Zenkina S.V. Setevye servisy kak instrumental'naya sreda dlya proektirovaniya elektronnyh uchebnyh materialov [Network services as an instrumental environment for the design of electronic educational materials]. Stavropol': Stavrolit Publ., 2015. 110 p. EDN:
2. Interaktivnye rabochie listy - dlya chego i dlya kogo? [Interactive worksheets - for what and for whom?]. Sajt seminara «Interaktivnyj rabochij list v Googledocs» [Site of the workshop "Interactive Worksheet in Googledocs"]. Available at:
3. Gerasimova E.K. Elektronnyj didakticheskij material po biologii v vide interaktivnogo rabochego lista [Electronic didactic material on biology in the form of an interactive worksheet]. Biologiya v shkole [Biology at school]. 2014, I. 7, pp. 40-45. EDN:
4. Zenkina S.V., Gerasimova E.K. Ispol'zovanie setevyh servisov v podgotovke sovremennyh elektronnyh uchebnyh materialov [The use of network services in the preparation of modern electronic educational materials]. Informatika i obrazovanie [Informatics and Education]. 2014, I. (6), pp. 49 - 52. EDN: