The medical-preventive administration of ginseng and eleutherococcus was studied on sub-acute carbon tetrachloride-induced mice liver injury under exhaustive physical activity. The ability of these drugs to reduce CCL4-induced decrease in health expectancy indicator of swimming mice with 7% of the cargo was identified. In this study eleutherococcus and ginseng mostly showed protective effect against a physical endurance than the comparison drug, karsil. To assess the content of glycogen in the liver tissue was carried out histo-chemical study by PAS-reaction. The ranges of reduced glycogen have pale pink color on micrographs, unlike hepatocytes with normal glycogen having deeply stained reddish color that the more intensively, the greater the amount of glycogen contained in the hepatocyte. In all groups of experimental animals treated with CCL4, is uneven loss of glycogen by hepatocytes, which correlates with the data on the mechanism of hepatotoxicity of carbon tetrachloride. There was a significant effect of the phytoadaptogens of the distribution of glycogen under these experimental conditions. This effect may be related to the hepato-protective effect of the drugs, as well as the previously identified ability phyto-adaptogens optimize bioenergetic processes during physical exercises.
phyto-adaptogens, liver, carbon tetrachloride, exhaustive physical activity, mice, PAS reaction.
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