Sexual dysfunction in men, limiting their reproductive capabilities, prevent the achievement of marital and sexual life as a couple, break the stability of marriage, adversely affect mental health, lead to the development of neurotic and depressive disorders, alcohol abuse and antisocial behaviour. In recent years, interest in the problem of vasculogenic erectile dysfunction has increased worldwide. But, despite this, many researchers believe that erectile dysfunction of vascular origin ranks second in frequency after disorders due to psychogenic factors. Therapy of sexual disorders with neurotic depression has a number of obstacles due to absence of system-structural approach to sexopathologist syndromes. It is necessary to search new possibilities of correction of sexual disorders in patients with neurotic depression. The purpose of this study was to develop and to justify pathogenetically the method of combined use of phototherapy and acupuncture for the correction of sexual disorders to improve the effect of treatment in men with neurotic depression. 80 patients with neurotic depression and erectile dysfunction prior to the application of medical facilities and at the end of treatment were examined. The results of treatment were: restoration of sexual function, decrease or disappearance of neurasthenic complaints (irritability, fatigue, headaches, dyssomnia, psycho-emotional, vegetative-vascular disorders, and others), normalization of libido and paraclinical data (psychological testing, electrophysiological parameters).
erectile dysfunction, neurotic depression, phototherapy, acupuncture.
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