Russian Federation
In modern economic conditions, the domestic timber industry complex is characterized by the complexity and peculiarities of its activity, connected with the high level of available risks in the introduction of innovations and the latest production technologies. There are also risks of investment in technological innovation, determined by risks of a temporary nature between the stages of financing in innovation and the results obtained. LPC activities are characterized by unstable demand for innovative timber products. Most risks affect, to varying degrees, attracting investment capital and increasing financial resources for the development of the forest sector as a whole. The poor transport infrastructure for forest production, poor quality of forest resources due to extensive forest management, as well as the large volume of illegally harvested wood and the depletion of its reserves are constraints on the innovative development of timber enterprises. To a large extent, the precarious financial situation of timber enterprises is due to the high material and energy intensity of production, with higher prices and tariffs for natural monopolies. The article defines the current state of the innovative component of the enterprises of the forest industry complex, defines possible ways to increase innovation activity on the basis of the investigated indicators.
innovative development, enterprises, timber industry complex.
Инновационная деятельность в лесопромышленном комплексе представляет собой особый вид деятельности, охватывающий весь цикл создания новейших технологических решений, направленных на выпуск инновационной продукции, и предусматривает их рациональное использование лесопромышленными предприятиями. В данном случае можно отметить стратегический и текущий типы инновационного развития в ЛПК. Инновационные процессы в ЛПК имеют особенности, обусловленные спецификой производства и переработки лесопромышленной продукции [2,3,5]. По предмету и направлений осуществления инновационной деятельности в ЛПК можно выделить пять направлений инновационной деятельности (Рисунок 1).
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