Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The relevance of the development and use of new promising designs of fifth wheel coupling devices for forestry tractors with semitrailers, aimed at ensuring the simplicity of the design of fifth wheel coupling devices, their high reliability, safety in work, reducing metal consumption and the possibility of accumulating and using energy that is not efficiently dissipated into the environment, is substantiated. The operating conditions of timber tractors with semitrailers for timber removal are described. The main transients occurring in the fifth wheel coupling and contributing to the emergence in it of large dynamic loads from the inertia of the mass of the semitrailer are given. A promising design of a recuperative spring-hydraulic fifth wheel trailer truck with a semitrailer is proposed, which allows to reduce the energy losses that occur in the fifth wheel trailer, to accumulate and is useful to use in the hydraulic drive of the manipulator during the loading and unloading of timber. The device and operation of the regenerative spring-hydraulic fifth wheel coupling are described. It was revealed that the use of the proposed device will improve ride smoothness and reduce fuel consumption of the forest tractor with a semitrailer, as well as provide more favorable conditions for the driver to work.
design, forest tractor, semitrailer, recovery, hydraulic energy, spring-hydraulic fifth wheel coupling.
Лесовозные тягачи с полуприцепами (ЛТП) обладают рядом конструктивных особенностей, существенно отличающих их от одиночных лесовозных автомобилей, используемых при вывозке лесоматериалов. Применяемые в лесовозных тягачах седельно-сцепные устройства (ССУ) оказывают влияние на маневренность и устойчивость движения ЛТП, а также должны обеспечивать оптимальные кинематические и динамические параметры при криволинейном движении ЛТП. Разработка и использование новых перспективных конструкций ССУ в ЛТП, отличающихся высокой надежностью, безопасностью в работе и возможностью накопления и использования непроизводительно рассеиваемой в окружающую среду энергии является актуальной задачей [1, 2].
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4. GOST R 50586-93. Shkvorni scepnye avtomobil'nyh polupricepov. Tehnicheskie trebovaniya i metody ispytaniy. - Vvod. 1995.01.01. - Moskva : Gosstandart Rossii, 1995. - 8 s.
5. V O Nikonov, V I Posmetev and V V Posmetev The results of simulation modeling of the operation of the regenerative fifth wheel hitch of a timber trailer // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 656 (2019) 012039, - Pp. 1-8. doi :https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/656/1/012039.