Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Excessive increase in the size of the main urban development objects on the one hand, and the creation of abstract volumes of the urban environment that do not have any familiar details comparable to the size of a person on the other hand, creates an architecture completely divorced from people and hostile to them. Therefore, there was a need to justify the use of landscape components to create a medium-scale human environment. The natural environment is that component of the spatial planning structure of the city, which, if properly placed, will absorb the negative psychological effect of the perception of huge undifferentiated abstract arrays of buildings in a re-compacted urban environment. The main criterion for the psychological comfort of a city dweller is the visual contact of a person in the house with the street, the ability to see the details and, most importantly, understand what they are in relation to the person. Along with small architectural forms, such elements will be trees, shrubs, benches, information boards, which have constant and understandable ergonomic dimensions. This is what is always referred to in the term anthropocentrism in architecture. The article proposes to clarify the concept of “human scale” on the basis of a systematic understanding of scale in architecture, and then this category of scale is considered not as a compositional means of aesthetic expressiveness of the urban environment, but as a factor in biological safety and physical survival of a person in conditions of total urbanization.

urban environment, human scale landscape architecture, urbanization


Большие города конца ХХ века трудно было упрекнуть в дружелюбие по отношению к человеку или природе. Но должно было пройти почти полвека, чтобы человечество наконец осознало невозможность дальнейшего развития города в той же модернистской концепции. Непомерное увеличение размеров основных градостроительных объектов с одной стороны, и создание абстрактных объемов городской среды, не имеющих никаких привычных деталей соизмеримых с размерами человека с другой стороны, создает архитектуру абсолютно оторванную от людей и враждебную им.

Компоненты природы интегрируются в архитектурную среду только для улучшения экологической безопасности среды. Между тем, на человека негативно влияет не только эстетическая невыразительность городской среды, но и отсутствие правильного понимания размеров объекта, т. е. масштабности среды.


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