In the current sanitary-epidemiological situation and the total transition to the distance learning form, the problem of developing the skills and abilities needed for the formation of competencies in students becomes especially relevant. A significant step forward in solving this problem will be the appeal to the algorithmic method of training. The article discusses the features of the use of the algorithmic method of teaching in the construction of the educational process in institutions of higher education are described. The experience of its use in conducting classes in the disciplines of the mathematical cycle with students in undergraduate economic specialties is described. The effectiveness of the application of this method is confirmed by the fact that acting on the basis of the algorithm, the student may not receive the final solution to the problem, but he clearly understands which particular step is causing him difficulty, which makes it possible to purposefully and consciously manage his activities.
competencies formation, pedagogical methods of teaching, methodology of mathematics teaching, algorithmic method of teaching, algorithm
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