Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents a study of the process of faculty working rate in an educational organization. Such an assessment is important, since it is part of the processes of self-examination, the formation of a rating of an educational organization and the calculation of the incentive part of faculty wages. The work determines the place of the process in the system of processes of the educational organization, the subjects and objects involved in its implementation, as well as the mechanisms of their interaction. Based on the results, models are developed and problems and solutions are identified. The purpose of the work is to improve the methodology for evaluating the performance of faculty by introducing an information system that allows you to reallocate the resources necessary for the implementation of the process in such a way as to reduce the burden on individual specialists and automate the verification of individual criteria. The work presents process models that allow you to evaluate changes after the implementation of part of the modules of the information system, as well as screenshots of the developed application.

monitoring, educational organization, audit, education, information system, automation, criterion, ratingsheet, methodologist, quality assessment

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