Russian Federation
Scientific School “Management Theory and Technology” (Senior Researcher)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Changing behavioral skills of consumer financial services and the growing competitive pressure of startups are destroying traditional business models and prompting the creation of new strategies. For this reason, banks and other regulated financial intermediaries strive to quickly master developments in the field of financial technologies and change the formats of customer service, taking into account the capabilities of their budgets. The existing methods of making cross-border transfers and non-cash payments using their traditional forms, as well as new-generation digital financial instruments, are not supported by a high-quality regulatory framework. In this regard, it is important to study the stages of transformation of forms of interaction between participants of non-cash payments under the influence of the scientific and technical process, a comparative analysis of modern methods of international payments, and justification of mechanisms for integrating digital financial instruments based on distributed Ledger technology into cross-border settlement and payment operations. We also analyzed internal Bank programs for organizing internal control and managing Bank risks, using the example of Sberbank. The results of the study of these problems are reflected in this article.
innovation, creation of banking ecosystems, digitalization, banking system, decentralized systems, payment methods, forms of interaction, centralized systems, digital calculations
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