Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Protective forests in the central forest-steppe of the European part of Russia were created at different times with a diverse assortment of plants. Fast-growing tree scpecies in the composition of artificial linear stands are introduced from the moment of their formation. Soil and hydrological conditions are one of the main conditions on which successful growth of tree species depends. The highest biometric growth indicators in middle-aged plantations in height of balsamic poplar are observed on typical chernozem (0,82 m / year), less significant (0,65 m / year) on leached chernozem. The greatest activity in growth is manifested up to the age of 13 - 18 years. The silver birch tree is characterized by a decrease in activity in height growth since the age of 14 - 20 years. The average annual increase to the 30 year period is 0,60 – 0,74 m / year. In the best soil conditions (typical chernozem), growth rates are higher. In forest belts, both fast-growing (poplar, birch) and slow-growing and long-lasting (english oak) tree species have differences in height and diameter growth depending on their placement in the transverse profile. At the age of 33-45 years, a convex profile is formed, where the average height of the central rows is 10,6 – 16,8% more than the marginal ones and the average diameter of the extreme rows exceeds diameter of average rows by 10,1 – 19,9%. In fast-growing tree species, the active reclamation effect of beneficial protective factors is already evident in youth and at the same time, the width of the inter-strip cells on chernozem soils should not exceed 600 - 650 m.
protection forests, growth, tree species.
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