employee from 01.01.2000 until now
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Modern clinical immunology makes it possible to conduct fairly effective laboratory diagnostics of immuno-inflam-matory rheumatic diseases (IVRS). The applied methods make it possible to obtain objective information about the nature of immunopathological changes, being an important tool for diagnosis, assessment of activity, determining the prognosis, choosing a treatment method for the disease and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy. Currently, the optimal choice and use of immunological methods is possible. The main goal of laboratory diagnostics of IVRS is to obtain objective information about the presence and nature of immunopathological changes in the examined patient, which is an important tool for early diagnosis, assessment of activity, severity of the course, prognosis of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy.
immunological diagnostics, antibodies, autoimmunity, inflammation.
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