Tehran, Iran
UDK 81 Лингвистика. Языкознание. Языки
In this article we analyze prefixes «раз-/рас-» and «пре-», that denote highest degree of quality, and by means of which adjectives can be formed in Russian language. They were chosen from among number of prefixes, that form adjectives, because they have synonymous meanings, yet they are different. Differentiation between meanings of these prefixes and shades of their meanings plays an important role in comprehending speech and also during translation/interpretation from one language to another. In this research we also determine similarities and differences between these prefixes, bring examples for each prefix in conjunction with different adjectives, translate them to Persian language, and in the end mark and classify meaning/ meanings of each prefix within the framework of Persian language’s parts of speech, with the help of which meaning/meanings of prefixes can be transferred to Persian language.
word-formation, prefixation, adjective, prefix, raz-; ras-; pre-
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