Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article emphasizes the correlation between the communicative culture of adults (teachers and parents) and cultivation of freedom in preschool children’s behavior. The first part of the article is devoted to the pedagogical approaches to development of preschool children's communicative ways of speech communication. Among the methods of dialogical speech development there are communicative games, verbal didactic games with pair interaction and problematic situations. The communicative content of these games is realized through the child's implementation of certain game rules, which are perceived as rules of communication. This part discovers the effectiveness of playing out communicative situations as a method to master children’s culture of communication with their peers. The relations of full-fledged communication and cooperation require a significant renewal of children's life organization in kindergarten, and conditions for free communication, without any instructions, for the emancipation of the child's and the adult's personalities. The article shows the possibilities of children’s artistic activity for their dialogical communication with peers and teacher. It considers the features of organizing creative artistic activities when children create their own product (drawing, modeling, application, DIY) and wonder the opinion of other people – adults and children. This discussion differs from everyday dialogue in its content, since it has an artistic focus on the perception of art and creative activity. It is shown that communication during joint creativity of children arises due to an objective situation and a desire of children to cooperate, co-creation and empathy. The final part of the article is related to the content of experimental work to support the communicative culture of teachers and parents as the first transmitters of healthy communication experience to children. It examines domestic and foreign communication models that are most effective in working with teachers and parents of preschool children. The important elements of communication are explained accompanied by examples. Such support includes not only the level of verbal communication, but also a certain type of contact between an adult and a child: emotional, motional, gaming.

communication culture, communication disorders, healthy communication, freedom of a child behavior, emotions, dialogue, dialogical communication, game, etiquette rules, basis of personal culture, figurative arts activities, modern communication models

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