Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the modern direction of information visualization in the context of educational activities. Graphics is a visualization language and it "speaks" with graphemes. Infographics call their works infographics. In our understanding, grapheme is a consequence of information processing by the infocartographic method that we have developed. The method integrates techniques of cartography and infographics. Educational information is a didactically processed scientific information representing concepts, patterns, laws, structure, functioning of systems within the framework of the discipline being studied. Or, we can say that this is information about the subject itself and the methods of studying it. The versatility of the infocartographic method lies in its "end-to-end" capabilities to show, visualize any information, "translate" it from verbal language into the language of gratification.

visualization, grafting, infographics, infocartographic visualization method, educational information

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