Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article shows the importance of network technologies in teaching schoolchildren. The analysis of textbooks of informatics on the subject of teaching a topic related to the maintenance of databases is given, and the features of its presentation are highlighted. On the example of the implementation of the project “Entering the University”, it is shown how students of grade 11 can be taught to work with network databases. In particular, create and maintain them, use them in professional activities. A step-by-step description of the actions of schoolchildren when creating a network database is given (creating a table structure, fi lling the database with information, selecting information through the formation of a query, working with reports). A business game through which students better understand the purpose of database management systems is described. Examples of a possible violation of information security when working with documents of applicants in the university selection committee are given.

specialized training, network technologies, databases, database management systems, QuintaDB service, selection committee, information security

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