Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
For silvicultural care of green plantings in cities and towns new design of a working body with a circular saw mounted on the manipulator has been developed. The machine comprises a lifting mechanism with hydraulic cylinder, which is mounted on the rotating column. On a rotating column the lower section of the boom is installed, to which by a cylindrical hinge middle section of the boom and hydraulic cy-linder of control is attached. The upper part of the middle section of the boom by a cylindrical hinge is connected to the outer section equipped with a hydraulic cylinder of control. Inside the outer section mounted steering gear rod around its longitudinal axis.
green plants, crown cutting, circular saw, manipulator
1. Patent na poleznuyu model´ 30057 RF, MPK A01G3/04. Rabochiy organ mashiny dlya podrezki kron derev´ev [Tekst] / V. P. Popikov, D. D. Reprintsev, P. I. Popikov ; zayavitel´ i patentoobladatel´ GOU VPO «VGLTA». - № 2002129704/20 ; zayavl. 05.11.2002 ; opubl. 20.06.2003.-№ 17.-2 s.
2. Popikov, P. I. Povyshenie effektivnosti gidrofitsirovannykh mashin pri lesovos-stanovlenii na vyrubkakh [Tekst] : monografiya / P. I. Popikov. - Voronezh, 2001. - 156 s. EDN: https://elibrary.ru/NTFDFB