Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article proposes a methodological approach to assessing and ensuring the economic security of the federal districts of the Russian Federation by stimulating the growth of market potential for the development of entrepreneurial segments of the green economy. The aim of the work is to substantiate the place and role of instruments of the "green" economy in ensuring the economic security of territories. The original system of indicators for assessing the market potential for the development of entrepreneurial segments of the green economy has been substantiated. Based on the method of integral analysis, the values of the integral indicators of the development potential of entrepreneurial segments of the green economy and economic security of each federal district of the Russian Federation were obtained, the rating of districts was compiled, and a comparative analysis of the assessment of their positions in the corresponding matrix space was performed. In conclusion, it was noted that the proposed methodological approach to assessing and ensuring the economic security of federal districts by stimulating the growth of market potential for the development of entrepreneurial segments of the green economy allows us to identify stimulating and disincentive factors for the sustainable development of territories to develop targeted measures to support the green economy, taking into account the existing regional differentiation. The recommendations presented in this work can be used in developing directions for stimulating the development of a green economy in order to ensure the economic security of territories.

economic security, indicators of economic security, green economy, market potential of a green economy, regional economy, integral analysis

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