Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Need of small woodworking companies in the efficient dryers of small capacity is very high. Used in industry dryers are very diverse in types and energy. Given that the processes of hydro-thermal treatment of wood are the most energy-intensive in woodworking technology, solutions to this problem are highly relevant. One of the most promising and low-cost ways is a combined method of drying timber with pre-atmospheric drying of wood. Natural wood drying is cheaper than chamber one. There are no expenses for the coolant, one of the major costs in drying chamber. One of the drawbacks of this dryer is the long duration and dependence on meteorological conditions. The solution to this problem is to create an incentive air circulation for material to be dried. For these purposes, the use of simple and cheap prefabricated elements of flow or dead-end type of shield materials, fitted with a fan, is possible. This design can also be the buffer stock for storing timber. Pre-drying of wood is made to a moisture content of 40-45%. Tests of this design have shown its high efficiency. The duration of subsequent chamber drying in the climatic conditions of Voronezh reduces by an average in 1,5 times, which is also reflected in the cost of the material being dried. In this case, the production capacity of the drying section of the company is increased by 20-35% depending on the species, the cross section of the material, the initial and transition humidity. Reduction of the specific heat consumption per 1 kg of evaporated moisture is about 10%. Drying of the wood becomes more equal, which helps to reduce shrinkage, reduce the value of internal residual stresses, which are one of the indicators of the quality of drying, as well as increased dimensional stability.

combined wood drying, shrinkage, collapse, mode, residual stresses, quality, energy consumption.

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