Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses some inconsistencies in the regulatory documentation for radiographic inspection in the field of atomic energy use. Attention is drawn to differences in permissible values of the heat-affected zone for fillet welds in two regulatory documents NP-105-18 and GOST R 05.05.07-2018, intended for nuclear energy. The pros and cons of selective inspection of joints along the length or quantity are discussed. Possible ways to correct the situation are proposed. It is noted that in GOST R 05.05.07-2018 the approach to calculating images on fittings and nozzles for the first time is explained in a similar way to the calculation when monitoring pipelines through one wall. This is a useful working tool for calculating the number of images, very popular in the practice of inspection.

radiographic testing, regulations, nuclear power, standards

1. GOST R 50.05.07-2018 Sistema ocenki sootvetstviya v oblasti ispol'zovaniya atomnoy energii. Ocenka sootvetstviya v forme kontrolya. Unificirovannye metodiki. Radiograficheskiy kontrol'.

2. NP-105-18 Federal'nye normy i pravila v oblasti ispol'zovaniya atomnoy energii «Pravila kontrolya metalla oborudovaniya i truboprovodov atomnyh energeticheskih ustanovok pri izgotovlenii i montazhe».

3. GOST 7512-82 Kontrol' nerazrushayuschiy. Soedineniya svarnye. Radiograficheskiy metod (s Izmeneniem).

4. PNAE G-7-017-89 Unificirovannaya metodika kontrolya osnovnyh materialov (polufabrikatov), svarnyh soedineniy i naplavki oborudovaniya i truboprovodov AEU. Radiograficheskiy kontrol'. Ne deystvuet.

5. PNAE G-7-010-89 Pravila ustroystva i bezopasnoy ekspluatacii oborudovaniya i truboprovodov atomnyh energeticheskih ustanovok (s Izmeneniem N 1 ot 27.12.1999, s Izmeneniem ot 14.08.2006).

6. ISO 17636-1 Nerazrushayuschiy kontrol' svarnyh soedineniy. Radiograficheskiy kontrol'. Chast' 1. Sposoby rentgeno- i gammagraficheskogo kontrolya s primeneniem plenki.

7. GOST 20426-82 Kontrol' nerazrushayuschiy. Metody defektoskopii radiacionnye. Oblast' primeneniya.

8. GOST 23055-78 Kontrol' nerazrushayuschiy. Svarka metallov plavleniem. Klassifikaciya svarnyh soedineniy po rezul'tatam radiograficheskogo kontrolya (s Izmeneniyami N 1, 2).

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