Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
.One of the most urgent and significant social problems of our time is the problem of maintaining the ecological stability. Important role in optimizing the environment play greenery. Being a biological filter, they perform environmental, environment protection, recreational and social functions. Qualitatively improving the environment, urban plantations experience the negative impact of certain environmental factors and therefore require careful treatment and proper protection. The results of a comprehensive evaluation of the forest park plantations located in the northern district of the city district of Voronezh. Study included determination of the species composition of plants, forming phytocoenosis, assessment of health status and forest pathology plantations, and the analysis of the spatial structure of the stand, the class definition of aesthetic and hygienic value of the site. Range of plants at the site of research is represented by 3 divisions, 4 classes, 21 orders, 24 families, 38 genera and 44 species. Distribution of plants according to life forms is as follows: tree - 12 species, shrubs - 8 species, vines - 2 species, herbaceous plants - 22 species, lichens - 1 species. On the territory of the forest park very valuable plants are revealed, which include Scots pine, quickbeam and Sorbus intermedia, silver birch, Norway maple. The territory of the forest park belongs to the closed type of spatial structure. The stand is formed by cultures of Scots pine at the age of 45 years. Plantation is characterized by impaired stability; plants have signs of disease, pests, abiotic and anthropogenic factors. Hygienic assessment of planting complies with Class 2, the aesthetic value of the object - average one. In order to preserve the forest park plantings and increase their resilience to environmental factors it is proposed to develop the project of reconstruction of the object, including the division of the forest park into functional zones, sanitary measures and for landscaping. Preservation of the park area is a prerequisite for comfortable living of population of Kominternovsky district of city district of Voronezh.
forest park, Scots pine, species diversity, environmental assessment, sustainability of plantations.
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