Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article identifies the problems of continuous technological education of the Moscow Region, describes the main directions of scientific research activity of the REC at the Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Education, Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship of Moscow Region State University, presents the results reflecting the positive dynamics of solving the set educational and research problems.

scientific and educational center, continuing education, technological focus, comprehensive research, pedagogical cooperation

1. Anisimova L.N. Formirovanie issledovatel'skih umenij budushchih uchitelej tekhnologii v processe vypolneniya nauchno-issledovatel'skoj, racionalizatorskoj, proektnoj i tvorcheskoj deyatel'nosti v vuze [Formation of research skills of future technology teachers in the process of carrying out research, rationalization, design and creative activities at the university]. Povyshenie kachestva podgotovki kadrov v sovremennyh usloviyah razvitiya obrazovaniya: organizacionno-metodicheskie osnovy modelirovaniya nauchno-metodicheskogo issledovaniya v professional'nom obrazovanii [Improving the quality of training in modern conditions for the development of education: organizational and methodological foundations for modeling scientific and methodological research in vocational education]. Moscow: MGOU Publ., 2019, pp. 7-11.

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5. Khapaeva S.S., Anisimova L.N. The experience of organizing blended learning at a university (using pedagogical disciplines as an example) // ICETA - 17th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications-November 21-22. 2019. Pp. 366-371.

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