Moscow, Russian Federation
Psychological culture affects the productivity of personal development, communication of the personality, its social adaptation, is manifested in the characteristics of thinking and attitude to life. The study of the problems of psychological culture is a new direction in psychological science. Questions related to the study of the characteristics of the psychological culture of the leaders of the territorial internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation have not been studied. The psychological culture of the head of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation acts as a psychological characteristic of a person, which allows providing optimal conditions for the successful implementation of leadership functions. In the framework of empirical studies of psychological culture, one-sidedness of their orientation is ascertained. Empirical studies of the characteristics of the psychological culture of the heads of territorial internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation have not been conducted. To study the characteristics of the psychological culture of the leaders of the territorial internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the Methodology “Psychological Culture of Personality” was used by O.I. Motkova. The empirical study involved 100 respondents - heads of territorial internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of an empirical study, it was concluded that the leaders of the territorial internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation need specially organized measures to develop a psychological culture on the part of departmental psychologists, especially at the beginning of their service as a leader, which will certainly contribute the success of their professional activities.
psychological culture, psychological competence, head of internal affairs bodies, professional success
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