Tula, Russian Federation
The article raises such an acute problem as the disproportionate change in population growth with rising inflation. The relevance of this problem cannot raise any questions. Sometimes people ask the question: “Why is there not enough money for food, although, relatively speaking, it was enough before?” The economy of our country is going through difficult times. The fall in world oil prices has an impact on the Russian ruble, which is especially important in connection with the latest developments in the world. These and other questions are devoted to issues related to the growth of the population of the Russian Federation, and the opportunity to buy them. The research base is the website of the Federal State Statistics Service, which should use personal observations and knowledge. In preparing the articles, methods of correlation analysis using group statistical data were applied and the regression model was built on their basis. The authors proposed ideas for solving global problems in the entire economic system of the Russian Federation.
real and nominal incomes, inflation, cost of living, per capita incomes, solvency, correlation dependence, national project, devaluation, scientific and technological progress, economic system
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