Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
To identify determinants of labor productivity, correlation relationships of productivity of various indicators was evaluated, reflecting the influence of a wide range of socio-economic and innovative factors in the regions of Russia for 2015-2017. It has been established that many indicators characterizing socio-economic and innovative factors do not have a significant relationship with labor productivity and are multicollenarity (they have correlation relationships among themselves). For each year, according to statistics of 82 regions of Russia, econometric models in the form of a well-known standard internal linear function - an analog of the Cobb-Douglas production function are constructed. The obtained models indicate a positive impact on labor productivity, capital-labor ratio, foreign investment, wage levels, income inequality, inflation in industrial goods and export markets. The obtained simulation results showing a significant positive effect on labor productivity exerted by income inequality and the inflation rate on the industrial goods market, which indicates the action of economic mechanisms in the country in developed countries. When performing research, it was found that the positive impact of capital-labor ratio on productivity in 2015-2017 was reduced. This indicates a decrease in the efficiency of use of fixed capital in countries, about the crisis in the country's economy.
productivity, regions, determinants of productivity, econometric models
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