Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper aims to determine in the most General form the optimal lighting system of a given object. Optimality of the system is understood as its closest compliance with regulatory requirements in combination with the lowest cost of ownership. The specified task is formalized and as strictly as possible put from the point of view of the system analysis. An algorithm is constructed for modeling and designing an optimal lighting system based on the solution of the problem by the methods of decision theory, as well as using the Digital Twin technology. With the help of the created algorithm, the lighting system of an office space is considered as an example, optimized and compared with the current one, then the economic efficiency of the optimization is considered. Application of results of work is possible at creation of expert systems of design of optimum lighting, the analysis of efficiency of the available lighting systems, and also at design of new lighting systems.

lighting system, lighting design, semi-structured systems, lighting modeling

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