Center for Regional Economics and Interbudgetary Relations (sotrudnik)
The defining trend of the ongoing Fourth industrial revolution based on Industry 4.0 is the digitalization of technological processes for creating new value in material production. The introduction of global trends of the "Industry 4.0" concept into the practice of functioning of domestic enterprises, the importance of global trends for the domestic industry require the search for new scientific approaches to research and systematize the manifestations of digitalization, taking into account risks and dangers, and developing appropriate industrial policy measures. The study analyzes the main technologies and tools of the Industry 4.0 concept, as well as the possibilities of its use for the progressive transformation of the Russian industrial complex. Modern trends and promising directions of innovative transformation of the industrial sector of the Russian economy are identified, taking into account the identified specific features of Industry 4.0.
economy, industry, Industry 4.0, digitalization, industrial policy, industrial framework, transformation
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